BE STRESS-FREE as you reconnect with your Soul Essence and receive support and nurturing to enable you to quieten the mind, receive guidance and regain harmony.



healing circles bestressfree

Healing Circles

Release stress and isolation by joining our healing circle. Take your place in this sacred circle to raise your vibration, equip yourself with healing tools, and reconnect with a peaceful, loving, harmonious place deep within. You will be led into meditation to cleanse, expand and protect your energy. There will be an opportunity to send healing to  loved ones and to our planet. 


Mindfulness with Aura-Soma

Connecting with your light body through colours, fragrances, and meditation. Restore a sense of peace, connect with your own intuition and create a feel good factor. Release stress as you come to a quiet space within yourself, and reconnect with your inner light. Move deeper within yourself and get in touch with your depth, relatedness, heart, and personal substance. When you allow this process to enfold with an open mind, you begin to find the messages that lie behind your condition.


aura soma
shamanism kilkenny

Dates for 2024:

lc (Brigid's day): Thursday February 1st

Spring Equinox: Thursday March 21st

Bealtaine: Wednesday May 1st

Summer Solstice: Friday June 21st

Lugnasagh: Thursday August 1st

Autumn Equinox: Friday September 20th

Samhain: Friday November 1st

Winter Solstice: Friday December 20th

All Meditations start promptly at 7.30 to 9 pm followed by light refreshments

Suggested offering: €20/16 (Seniors/Unwaged)

Advance booking required

Shamanic Meditations

Shamanic drumming awakens your ability to commune with your inner self to receive guidance and retrieve information. We journey within ourselves to reconnect with our own divine essence, in harmony with the rhythms of nature. As you journey within to the sound of the Shamanic drum, you have the opportunity to find answers to any question.

The Celtic Wheel of the Year comprises eight festivals spaced six to seven weeks apart throughout the year. We mark these times with a healing blend of Shamanic drumming, Mantra singing, Tibetan bowls and bells and quiet reflection.

These group meditations bring a sense of community and the effects of your practice carry through many aspects of your daily life.

They combine the healing power of sound, breath and rhythm, restoring the natural flow of energy through the body-mind-spirit, re-balancing the chemistry of your brain, your nervous and endocrine systems, and releasing chronic stress and tension from your body.

It is a wonderful, relaxing way to wind-down from your daily activities and nurture a deeper aspect of your being.

The Celtic Wheel of the Year begins with Samhain (Halloween) when the veil between the seen and the unseen is thinner and it is easier to access angels, spirit guides and our loved ones who have departed from this world. With Samhain, we enter into the darker phase of the year, a phase of letting go...

  • The Winter Solstice is the shorter day of the year and from this day onward the amount of daylight increases each day until the summer solstice and so we celebrate the return of the light. At this time of deep introspection, we turn our attention inwards to the parts of us in need of healing and we give it breath and gentle nurturing during these winter months.
  • Imbolc (Brigid's day) is the beginning of the spring. It is a time of new beginning and the perfect time to plant the seeds of what it is we wish to bring to fruition this coming year...
  • At the time of Spring Equinox, day and night are equal and we find out what is needed to bring ourselves back to a place of balance and equilibrium.
  • On Bealtaine (May day), we celebrate the coming of summer. This is a great time to reignite our own inner fire and pour our energy in the projects close to our heart.
  • The Summer Solstice is a time of great expansion. The light is at its peak and we are celebrating our own inner light as well as seeing the light in each other.
  • Lugnasagh is the Celtic name for Lammas. We celebrate  Harvest, the "first fruits" of the seeds we planted earlier and the time and energy poured into bringing our dreams into being...
  • Autumn Equinox, when day and night are equal, is an opportunity to bring ourselves back to a place of balance and equilibrium as we approach a new cycle in the Celtic Wheel of the Year.